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Dashboard and Navigation

Like any new product, navigating your way around a new interface to find the feature you need can be overwhelming. Fortunately, the OSO Books user interface is simple and intuitive to use on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
This guide walks through:

  • What each navigation option does
  • Features on the dashboard page

Navigation Options using a Desktop or Tablet device

Navigation options are presented in a format appropriate for the device you are using, and as such appear differently on a desktop or tablet, versus a mobile device. This section summarises the navigation options as viewed from a desktop.

Main Navigation

The primary navigation links redirect you to the associated OSO Books feature:

  • Dashboard: Your entry point to your toolkit ,and live profit loss summary
  • Inventory: Manage products and services you offer
  • Expenses: Manage day to day business expenses
  • Invoices: Generate invoices and quotations for issue to customers
  • Customers: Manage your customer records, and view associated invoice history
  • Reports: Generate sales performance, tax-time and audit-log reports, on demand

If you have notifications active, for example an invoice nearing the due date, the notification icon will display a badge with the number of active alerts.

Clicking the icon will expand the alert summary panel.

Clicking View All / History redirects you to the detailed notification history page.


All configuration associated with your OSO Books toolkit is accessed via SETUP.

Quick links

Quick access to the following features:

  • Generate invoices
  • Generate quotations
  • Generate expense records
User account

Log out from your toolkit, and reset your password by clicking your username in the upper right corner.

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