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Profit Loss Summary

A primary feature of the OSO Books dashboard, is your profit loss overview. The chart provides at-a-glance data, and is updated live with your revenue position for the selected annual or financial year period.

This guide details the features associated with the chart:

  • What data is displayed on the chart
  • How to filter the chart data

Understanding your Profit Loss Summary chart

When you view your dashboard, your profit loss chart is loaded by default to the current financial year based on your location and financial options. It displays your gross income, expenses, and number of invoices generated per month for the period, with cumulative total summaries displayed underneath.

The following chart features are available:

Hover detail

Hover anywhere over a monthly column in the chart to display the specific data for that month. In the example below, we are hovering over the Feb 2021 column.

Toggle timespan/view

Toggle the filter view button to switch between annual (JAN-DEC) and financial year (as per your region or configuration) for the selected year.

Changing the year from the adjacent drop down selection box will update chart data to reflect financials for the time period you have selected.

Remove Elements

If you wish to only display one data type in the chart, for example income, disable the unwanted options by clicking the legend item above the chart.

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