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Managing your Business Information

Your business information, such as name, address, website and email (where applicable) are included on email correspondence to clients if you choose to do so. This guide walks through how to set and update the following details:

  • Your business name
  • Address, contact number, website and email address (where applicable)

Updating your business name

Your business name is displayed on invoices and email correspondence to customers. It is set during initial subscription deployment, and confirmed again during the first logon welcome, but can be updated at any time by:

Login to your business toolkit

If you are unsure where or how to do this, refer to the accessing your toolkit guide.

Click the SETUP link in the navigation toolbar.
Click the Business Profile option from the Setup navigation.
Input your new name, into the Business Name input field.

Success text will be displayed a few moments after your last keystroke, confirming your update has been saved.

The change takes effect immediately on all future invoices and emails to customers.

Updating your address, phone, website and email address

Your business contact details are optional for inclusion on invoices and emails to customers, and can be updated at any time from the Invoice Information category under SETUP. This section assumes you are already logged into your business toolkit, as described in the section above.

Click the SETUP link in the navigation toolbar.
Click the Invoice Information option from the Setup navigation.
To enable or disable a particular contact detail, select the drop down option to enabled or disabled, as required. The below example uses the phone number option:

Success text will be displayed a few moments after your last keystroke, confirming your update has been saved.

The change takes effect immediately on all future invoices and emails to customers.

Scroll down to the information summary, and click Edit for the associated option. In this example, we are updating the phone number:
A popup window is displayed, prompting for input of the option you have selected. Input a new value and click Edit.
A confirmation prompt is displayed.

The change takes effect immediately on all future invoices and emails to customers.

Repeat the above procedure for any other relevant business information options available to you on the Invoice Information setup page.

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